8.1.14: Wild and Scenic | Roman Tick | Fringe Class

wasrt8-1-14FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st

doors @ 8PM, music @ 9PM 
$5 at the door

text LEVEL B to 24587 for updates & giveaways



Roman Tick:

The real mRoman Tickagic is that there’s room for everyone in Roman Tick, band members and listeners alike. Each track offers a taste of variety, from spirited keyboards to jazzy bass lines, without sounding fussy or manufactured. OPB Music’s Arya Imig writes, “With wiry guitar lines and thrusting synth hooks and rhythms, Roman Tick wouldn’t sound out of place on the soundtrack of a classic 80’s John Hughes film. Through their lyrics they communicate both confidence and fragility because let’s face it, sometimes that’s all we have.” The convergence of the band members’ diverse backgrounds – classical piano and heavy distortion and cigarette stained vocals – creates much more than a hollow gesture to the past. Instead, with Roman Tick there is a refreshing element of a band making music for the simple pleasure of the journey, and the invitation to join is extended to everyone. Music> http://www.romantickmusic.com/index.html


Wild and Scenic:

wildandscenicWild and Scenic formed in October 2012 in Portland, Oregon.

Members Thomas Prather and Cort Corino have been performing together since 2003 and have been members of the bands PDEX and Alien Funk Squad as drummer and bass player, respectively. In fall 2008, Thomas shifted his focus from drumming to playing guitar and writing original music. Cort soon joined and the makings of Wild and Scenic began.

Several years passed by while life played it’s course, but in the fall of 2012 Cort, having just moved back to Portland, and Thomas again began writing together and this time meant it to be serious. Ethan Novikoff auditioned for the new project one month later and was hired on the spot.

As song writing progressed through winter 2012 and on into 2013, the trio’s sound began to take shape….

Wild and Scenic released their first demo, Crosstides EP, on April 29th, 2014.